Kares, Juha O
Year of birth: 1966
Owner of Chic Choix-kennels in Finland. Started breeding with lowchens at
early 80ґs. Couple of years later started also with lhasa apsos and red
irish setters. Bred, owned and handled Best In Show winning dogs in all
these breeds and several others.
Today Juha Kares has bred and owned well over 200 Champions world wide.
These dogs have won well over 1.000 Champion titles around the world and
hundreds of BEST in SHOWS and Best In Groups.
Today Juha O. Kares breeds also kingcharlesspaniels and norrbottenspets.
Earlier have bred few sealyhamterrier litters, bracco italianos and tibetan
spaniels. Also bred one litter of alaskan malamutes, chihuahuas and
australian silkyterriers. Owned Champions in all these breeds.
Have judged all Scandinavian countries, Estonia, Australia, New Zealand and
Languages: Finish, English, Svedish
(Источник: http://www.eurodogshows.com/)Fernandez-Renau, Carlos 
Carlos has been in dogs all his life. When he was young, he showed for other people and finished dogs in every single group, winning his first BIS at the age of 17 with a Great Dane. Later, he bred Long-Haired Dachshunds, with six generations of home-bred Champions.
In 1976, Carlos started in Standard Poodles and, over the years, came to breed the four sizes, with Champions and BIS winners in all of them.
He's very proud of the fact that dogs of his have been influential sires in different countries, some of them having also been all-breed Dogs of the Year in such diverse places as Argentina, Finland, Mexico, Chile, etc. One of the things he is most proud of is that, thanks to his first U.K. export, Ch. Del Zarzoso Palomo at Namkia, the Standard Poodle Club changed the class "any other colour than black" to "any other colour than black or white", due to the high quality of his white offspring.
Over the years, he has finished champions and had top winning dogs in different breeds, including Maltese, Bichon Frisé, Miniature Schnauzer, Pekingese and American Cocker Spaniels.
He has been judging internationally on a regular basis for more than 30 years and has had assignments all over the world.
Карлос Фернандез-Ренау (Испания) - международный эксперт FCI с правом судить все породы собак. Судит на выставках различных рангов по всему миру уже более 30 лет!
В кинологии с юности. Вначале, подрабатывал хендлером. В 17 лет выиграл свой первый BIC с немецким догом. Занимался разведением породы такса стандартная длинношерстная.
В 1976 году г-н Ренау увлекся разведением стандартных пуделей, а через несколько лет уже имел пуделей всех размеров.
Carlos Fernandez-Renau - владелец всемирно известного питомника пуделей "Del Zarzoso".