Primoz Peer (Словения) - питомник Rombon 
занимается тибетскими терьерами и тибетскими спаниелями.
Автор проекта
http://nativetibetanterrier.wordpress.c … -project/, который рассказывает о Тибете, о расширении генофонда за счет импортированных собак из Тибета. Судит монопородные выставки тибетских терьеров в разных странах.
Primoz Peer - SLO :
"Was not born into a doggy family, but the love for dogs only skipped one generation.
I got my first dog at age 5, this being Wire Fox Terrier and have lived with dogs ever since. Later on I enjoyed living and working with some more dogs, like Kraski Ovcar (Slovenian native shepherd dog breed) and Bernese Mountain Dog.
In the eighties I met and was charmed by Tibetan dogs, especially Tibetan Spaniels and Tibetan Terriers. Since than my family is breeding Tibetan Spaniels and Tibetan Terriers under kennel name »ROMBON«. I have bred and champaigned National and International Champions in both breeds as well as Breed Specialty Winners.
In the recent years I have registered three native Tibetan Spaniels and very recently two native Tibetan Terriers and with my friends we introduced them into Western breeding lines.
I am founder member of the Tibetan Breeds Club of Slovenia (Lhasa Apso, Shih-Tzu, Do-Khyi - Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Spaniel, Tibetan Terrier) , and I am currently serving as Chairman of the Breeding Committee.
From the beginning of International co-operation in exchange of breeding information in both Tibetan Spaniels and Tibetan Terriers I am actively involved in these schemes and I am Representative of Slovenia in both organizations/groups.
Judging since 1994 on shows in in Slovenia, Austria, Australia, Finland,Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Czech Republic and Hungary. "